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Coding Conventions


As a rule of thumb follow the coding conventions of the open source project you want to contribute to. Most big projects like GStreamer, oFono and Telepathy have their own coding conventions that should be respected when contributing those frameworks.

Coding Conventions for Qt-based apps and middleware

When developing features for Sailfish applications, follow Qt C++ (which follows standard C++) and QML coding conventions. Sailfish has traditionally been relatively flexible on coding style issues, leaving the decision on the enforcement of conventions to the individual teams and developers. Coding convention rules stir up a lot of opinions, but at the end are not so important as long as developers write clear, concise, readable, testable and in general high quality code they can be proud of.

Qt Coding Conventions

QML coding conventions

Additional Sailfish Qt coding conventions

Sources: Sailfish OS Middleware conventions

Prefer Qt5 Signal/Slot Connection Syntax


QObject::connect(&sender, &Sender::signalName, &receiver, &Receiver::slotName);

instead of

QObject::connect(&sender, SIGNAL(signalName()), &receiver, SLOT(slotName()));

Rationale: ensures that the compiler can detect parameter mismatch issues, and provides a minor performance benefit at runtime.

Prefer C++11 Ranged-For


for (const QString &str : someStringList) { ... }


for (const auto &str : someStringList) { ... }

instead of

for (int i = 0; i < someStringList.size(); ++i) {
    const QString &str(someStringList[i]);

Rationale: in general we should prefer C++11 features where supported by the platform compiler.

Use CamelCase Namespace Names

As for class names, prefer camel-cased namespace names.


namespace AppNamespace { /* ... */ }

instead of

namespace appnamespace { /* ... */ }

Rationale: provides consistency with class naming as specified by the Qt Coding Style.

Additional Sailfish QML coding conventions

Sources: Qt Quick examples, Qt Components conventions

Omit “;” behind JavaScript function lines


x = a + b

instead of

x = a + b;

Rationale: less code, basically either style way would be fine, but one was chosen.

Put spaces between conditional statements, code, and curly braces


if (a) {

instead of



if ( a ) {

Rationale: criteria is mostly esthetic and thus subject to argumentation. Overall adding spaces improves visual grouping (but only if not overused) and helps legibility.

Write short one line functions in one line

It is ok to write

onClicked: if (a) doSomething()

instead of

onClicked: {
    if (a) {

Rationale: less lines needed, both forms equally readable.

Omit redundant property assignments


property bool propertyName
property int propertyName

instead of

property bool propertyName: false
property int propertyName: 0

Rationale: less code, QML developer should already know the default values.

Don’t define id for an element if id is not used


Image {}

instead of

Image {
    id: background

if you don’t need the id.

Rationale: potentially less code. Like with properties only define something if you really need that something.

Use braces in one-line conditionals


if (a) {

instead of

if (a)

Rationale: Agreed with the team. Goes against Qt Coding convention, but is generally considered safer.

Group properties together when grouped property form is available: font {}, anchors {}, border {}, etc.


anchors {
    horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
    horizontalCenterOffset: Theme.paddingSmall

instead of

anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: Theme.paddingSmall

Rationale: less code, grouping communicates relation.

Avoid unnecessary negatives

It is more readable to state

if (a) .. else ..


if (not a) .. else ..


#ifdef USE_SQL

instead of

#ifdef NO_SQL

Rationale: negatives require more mental load to decipher. Avoids double negatives like !NO_SOMETHING.

Keep similar properties close to each other

There is no one clear rule with this, grouping is often contextual: base element properties versus specialized properties, visual versus non-visual properties.

Rationale: proximity implies relation, code is easier to read the less you need to jump between lines when interested in particular behavior/feature.

Some rough general rules to consider :

id declaration
property declarations
signal declarations
property bindings, functions and signal handlers
 - Same type items grouped together, javascript functions and signals handlers close to each other.
 - Attached properties after bindings.
 - The most important details that define the component first.
   For example if an interactive item sets some text label property, the bindings define
   the item more than a javascript expression blob.
child items, visual and non-visual grouped together

Mark private API private

You can’t stop developers from reading your code, and if they can’t tell public symbols from private symbols their code will end up depending on something that changes in later versions. QML doesn’t support for private members, however there are a couple of conventions useful for keeping symbols out of the way. The simplest and usually fastest is to prepend an underscore:

Item {
    property int iAmPublic
    property int _iAmPrivate

    Text {
        text: "Hello"

Testing Conventions

Sailfish app development follows Qt conventions, and autotesting is no different.

There are couple of common anti-patterns highlighted below that you should avoid.

Prefer compare() over verify() when possible


compare(value, 10)

instead of

verify(value == 10)

Rationale: Compare produces more descriptive error messages and does more type checking.

Use SignalSpy instead of wait()


SignalSpy { id: valueSpy; target: object; signalName: "onValueChanged" }
function test_case() {
    compare(object.value, newValue)

instead of

function test_case() {
    compare(object.value, newValue)

Rationale: Too short arbitrary wait times may fail, at worst cases irregularly. Too long wait times unnecessarily postpone the completion of the autotest.

Sailfish Project and deployment conventions

Application project hierarchy

Project hierarchy of the Sailfish OS system applications.

sailfish-appnameUse dashes “-“ where the space would normally go
sailfish-appname/sailfish-appname.proMatch the pro file name with the folder name
sailfish-appname/appname.cppC++ application stub that loads the top-level QML document, not named as main.cpp to avoid having dozen main.cpp files in the search index
sailfish-appname/appname.qmlTop-level folder contains only one lower-cased qml file
sailfish-appname/pagesFolder containing only page components, a convention for easier autotesting
sailfish-appname/pages/folder/*.qmlSubcomponents used by the pages
sailfish-appname/coverFolder containing application’s active cover UI
sailfish-appname/tests/auto/tst_*.qmlAutotests for the application

Application deployment folders

This applies to Sailfish OS system applications.

/usr/bin/sailfish-appnameBinary that gets executed when the application is opened
/usr/share/sailfish-appnameQML documents and other resources, don’t bake QML components into binary to allow updating individual components without re-compilation of the binary
/usr/share/applications/sailfish-appname.desktopDesktop file

Module project hierarchy

sailfish-modulenameUse dashes “-“ where the space would normally go
sailfish-modulename/sailfish-modulename.proMatch the pro file name with the folder name
sailfish-modulename/modulenameQML components and C++ elements exposed by the module
sailfish-modulename/modulename/modulename.proCompilation and deployment rules for the module
sailfish-modulename/modulename/qmldirQML module definition file
sailfish-modulename/modulename/*.qmlPublic QML components mentioned in qmldir
sailfish-modulename/modulename/privateInternal, non-public components
sailfish-modulename/modulename/srcC++ code goes here
sailfish-modulename/modulename/src/src.priList C++ header and source files here
sailfish-modulename/modulename/src/*.h/cppC++ classes exposed to QML
sailfish-modulename/modulename/src/modulename.cppDon’t use plugin.cpp to avoid having dozen plugin.cpp files in the search index
sailfish-modulename/applicationsExample applications showcasing components provided by the module
sailfish-modulename/tests/auto/tst_*.qmlAutotests for the module
sailfish-modulename/tests/benchmarksBenchmarks for the module

Module deployment folders

/usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/ModulenameUse Java-style name spacing
/usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Modulename/qmldirQML module definition file
/usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Modulename/*.qmlPublic QML components
/usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Modulename/privateInternal, non-public components
/usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Modulename/libmodulenameplugin.soBinary plugin exposing C++ elements to QML