The Sailfish Platform SDK is the default (documented) option for Hardware Adaptation Development. Further, it can be used for platform development.
Note: Platform development is now more convenient with the regular Sailfish SDK through its command line frontend ‘sfdk’, available on all Linux, macOS and Windows.
Quick start
If you’re in a hurry then this should get you going (if it doesn’t work then read the full instructions carefully!) :
export PLATFORM_SDK_ROOT=/srv/sailfishos
curl -k -O
sudo mkdir -p $PLATFORM_SDK_ROOT/sdks/sfossdk
sudo tar --numeric-owner -p -xjf Jolla-latest-SailfishOS_Platform_SDK_Chroot-i486.tar.bz2 -C $PLATFORM_SDK_ROOT/sdks/sfossdk
echo "export PLATFORM_SDK_ROOT=$PLATFORM_SDK_ROOT" >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'alias sfossdk=$PLATFORM_SDK_ROOT/sdks/sfossdk/sdk-chroot' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'if [[ $SAILFISH_SDK ]]; then' >> ~/.bashrc
echo ' PS1="PlatformSDK $PS1"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'fi' >> ~/.bashrc; exec bash
Attention: If you chose PLATFORM_SDK_ROOT
other than /srv/mer
and your SDK version is (check /etc/os-release
inside), the following workaround is needed:
echo 'mount_sdk() { sudo mount -o rbind "$sdkroot/srv" "$sdkroot/parentroot/srv"; }' >> ~/.mersdkrc
Once you’ve installed the Sailfish Platform SDK you’ll need to install an SDK Build Target.
It’s recommended that you read sections below for pre-requisites, options and details on installing extra architecture toolchains, tools etc.
Sailfish Platform SDK
The default download contains:
- Development tools
- Image creation tools
- OBS development tools
You can also install :
- Debugging tools
- Testing tools
- Python development
- Ruby development
Installing the Sailfish Platform SDK
SDK Requirements
The Sailfish Platform SDK will run on most modern Linux machines. It needs:
- Linux distribution (one in a virtual machine works well), running 2.6.37 or newer kernel
- About 3 GB of free disk space is the minimum for SDK installation with one build target enabled
- The SDK must be installed on a standard filesystem and “nosuid” must not be set. (Note: recent ecryptfs will automatically use and enforce nosuid. Automounted usb drives typically have “nosuid” set too.)
- Generic x86 CPU
- User must have sudo rights
Installation / setup
The Sailfish Platform SDK is provided as a rootfs tarball that contains essential tools for Sailfish OS platform development along with a helper script to enter the rootfs.
Filesystem requirements:
- The Sailfish Platform SDK can be installed to any location with enough space - we’ll use /srv/ as per the Linux FHS (feel free to adapt the commands to use any other location).
- The installation path must contain an intermediate directory called ‘sdks’ which only has Sailfish Platform SDKs inside. eg /srv/sailfishos/sdks/sfossdk/…
To setup the Sailfish Platform SDK:
- Download the latest stable Sailfish Platform SDK rootfs tarball with the common armv7hl toolchain preinstalled:
curl -k -O
- Optionally, you can check the release notes from the Sailfish SDK Release Notes. The SDK Build Engine section also contains the latest changes to the Sailfish Platform SDK.
- Create a directory for the Sailfish Platform SDK rootfs and extract the tarball as root or with sudo:
sudo mkdir -p /srv/sailfishos/sdks/sfossdk sudo tar --numeric-owner -p -C /srv/sailfishos/sdks/sfossdk -xjf Jolla-latest-SailfishOS_Platform_SDK_Chroot-i486.tar.bz2
Attention: If you chose installation prefix other than /srv/mer
and your SDK version is (check /etc/os-release
inside), the following workaround is needed:
echo 'mount_sdk() { sudo mount -o rbind "$sdkroot/srv" "$sdkroot/parentroot/srv"; }' >> ~/.mersdkrc
Sailfish Platform SDK control script
The Sailfish Platform SDK rootfs contains a helper script to enter the chroot named ‘sdk-chroot’. The helper script is located in the root directory (/) of the rootfs. It requires you to have sudo ability.
As mentioned, the Sailfish Platform SDK is location independent so it uses the location of the helper script to determine which Sailfish Platform SDK to enter.
Entering Sailfish Platform SDK
Before entering the Sailfish Platform SDK you may want to make changes to your “.bashrc” file to give you a nice prompt to remind you that you are in the Sailfish Platform SDK.
cat << EOF >> ~/.bashrc
if [[ $SAILFISH_SDK ]]; then
PS1="PlatformSDK \$PS1"
If you use multiple Sailfish Platform SDK instances, you can utilise the SAILFISH_SDK
shell variable to determine the absolute path to the Sailfish Platform SDK chroot in use (since Sailfish OS release
To enter the Sailfish Platform SDK rootfs with the helper script run
You should find that you are operating under your normal username and that your home directory is available as /home/<username>
and any other mountpoints are mounted under /parentroot/*
You have sudo rights automatically. If sudo fails within the sdk, make sure that the filesystem the sdk is on is not mounted with the “nosuid” parameter. “mount” on the host system gives you this information, add “suid” as parameter in fstab, if necessary.
Useful Alias
If you tend to use a single instance of the Sailfish Platform SDK then this alias is useful
echo alias sfossdk=/srv/sailfishos/sdks/sfossdk/sdk-chroot >> ~/.bashrc ; exec bash
Next Steps
The next step is to look at setting up the SDK Build Targets and installing and using more Development Tools
Updating the Sailfish Platform SDK
You can check your current release version by executing ssu re
in the SDK. For a newer SDK release version check out the Sailfish SDK Release Notes. In this example we will use Jolla release
sudo ssu re
sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper dup
Removing the Sailfish Platform SDK
Remove all SDK Targets and Toolings, then simply exit all chroot instances and, using sudo, remove /srv/sailfishos/sdks/sfossdk
Multiple Sailfish Platform SDKs
You should be able to install and connect to multiple Sailfish Platform SDKs at the same time.
Known Issues
“not enough disk space left” or similar
If you do actually have enough disk then the problem is possible that the kernel on your host is too old. To run Sailfish Platform SDK you should be running kernel 2.6.37 or newer on your host.