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Sailfish SDK

Latest SDK Release

The latest Sailfish SDK release can be downloaded for Linux, OS X and Windows platforms from below.

Sailfish SDK 3.12

After downloading the SDK for your platform, please follow through with the installation instructions.

Release Notes

The release notes for this SDK release are available at Sailfish OS Forum.

All Download Options

Offline installers allow Sailfish SDK installation with VirtualBox-based build engine, latest build targets and latest emulator on hosts with limited network access.

Early Access


You can get the SDK updates approximately a week or two earlier, if you start using the Early Access repository. This can be useful for e.g. testing the new SDK features before the final Sailfish SDK release. Check out for more information from the Early Access SDK page.

EA Build Targets and Emulator

You can get build target and emulator updates for the upcoming Sailfish OS release approximately a week earlier, if you install the corresponding Early Access components into your SDK. This can be useful for e.g. testing your apps before the official public Sailfish OS release. Check out for more information about the Early Access Build Targets and Emulator.



Sailfish OS

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