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Building packages

This page deals specifically with building platform packages without the help of the Sailfish IDE. See the Application Development overview to learn how to build packages with the help of the Sailfish IDE.

Packages may either be built locally (using sfdk, the CLI frontend to the Sailfish SDK), or remotely (using the Sailfish OBS). Building locally has the advantage of being quick, simple, and low-latency. Building remotely has the advantage that build dependencies and other packaging requirements are enforced more strictly.

See also Tutorial - Building packages - advanced techniques.

Building Packages Remotely

Packages may be built using the Open Build Service instance. This requires the user to create a home project, and then create a package under that project, with the appropriate _service file to specify how the project should be built and packaged. Once the build has been triggered, OBS will attempt to pull in the required dependencies and build the package.

See the page about deploying packages for information on how to install the package once built.

Building Packages Locally

Once the user has installed the Sailfish SDK, they can build packages locally for the target architecture using the tool called sfdk. This tool provides a number of sub-commands wrapping around rpmbuild and others in a way which makes it simple to cross-compile packages from source repositories, given an RPM SPEC file (file extension .spec).

The sfdk tool can be found in the bin subdirectory of the Sailfish SDK installation directory. Further code examples assume the tool is available on PATH or by other means simply as sfdk.

Start by choosing the build target. List the available build tools.

$ sfdk tools list
SailfishOS-                           sdk-provided
├─SailfishOS-                 sdk-provided
└─SailfishOS-                    sdk-provided
SailfishOS-                          sdk-provided,latest
├── SailfishOS-              sdk-provided,latest
├── SailfishOS-              sdk-provided,latest
└── SailfishOS-                 sdk-provided,latest

Each build target lets you build software for a specific operating system version running on a specific hardware. Each target is listed under one tooling supporting the given OS version.

Pick the latest aarch64 target.

$ sfdk config --push target SailfishOS-

Enter a project directory and perform an all-in-one build procedure using the build command. If you don’t have an existing project available, you can create one as in the following example.

$ mkdir my-app && cd my-app
$ sfdk init --type qtquick2-app
$ sfdk build

After successful build the resulting RPM package(s) can be found under the RPMS directory.

$ ls ./RPMS

These .rpm files may be installed to the device or the build environment as described in the page on deploying packages.

See sfdk --help-building for more information on building packages or jump directly to the all-in-one manual with sfdk --help-all.

Enabling Additional Package Repositories

In some cases, the developer will have to add or enable repositories within their build environment if the sfdk tools complains that a dependency cannot be installed. This can be done with the ssu command available under the build environment.

Normally you execute maintenance commands under the build environment with the help of:

sfdk build-shell --maintain [<command> [<arg>...]]

Changes done to the build environment this way can be reverted at your will with the sfdk build-requires reset command, which also happens implicitly under certain situations as described in sfdk’s built-in manual. Changing the list of repositories is the sort of changes you would likely want to have applied permanently to your build environment. As you can learn in the built-in help of the sfdk build-shell command, you can do permanent changes to your build environment using an alternative command:

sfdk tools exec <build-target-name> [<command> [<arg>...]]

Inside the build environment you can use the command

ssu ar <repo_name> <repo_url>

to add repositories, and

ssu er <repo_name>

to enable repositories, and then

zypper ref <repo_name>

to update the installable package information from the newly added repository. ssu lr may be used to list known repositories, and ssu rr <repo_name> will remove a repository.

To update all repositories, use

zypper ref -f


# enter the build environment
~ $ sfdk tools exec SailfishOS-

# add a repository
[SailfishOS-] ~ # ssu ar my-repo https://repo...

# reload the package list
[SailfishOS-] ~ # zypper ref -f

To determine which repository provides a given package, a contributor should use the search feature on an available Sailfish OBS instance or from within their SFOS device or SDK emulator via devel-su -p pkcon install zypper; zypper info <package_name>.

It should be noted that device or hardware-platform-specific packages (especially those needed to build hybris-related packages) are best installed into a separate SDK target, to avoid complications. See Clean Builds below to learn how to achieve that conveniently without explicitly installing separate SDK targets.

Building Binaries Locally

In some cases, you will not want to build an entire package (.rpm) to install, but instead want to build a single binary from a simple (most likely Qt-based) project for which you do not have an RPM SPEC file yet. This can be handy, for example, during testing or prototyping.

In this case, you simply need to invoke the build commands directly from within the build environment. For example, to build a simple Qt-based project (located under ~/test/ of the host) the following steps could be taken:

~ $ cd ~/test
~ $ sfdk build-init
~ $ sfdk build-shell qmake
~ $ sfdk build-shell make

The resulting binary can be copied to the device with scp and executed directly.

Packaging formats

There are different repository formatting guidelines for automated building and packaging for Sailfish OS, depending on the relationship between that repository and its upstream origin and state.

tar_git packaging structure

A special OBS service called ‘tar_git’ can automatically package sources from a specifically formatted git repository along with any referenced git submodules into a suitable tar archive to be built on OBS. This format is relatively simple and as long as one follows some basic instructions tools like sfdk work nicely and if sfdk works then it is quite likely that also the package builds fine after integrating as part of the release process. This process can be triggered automatically on OBS when a new git tag is created, using Webhooks.

Some basic things to remember: the RPM SPEC files are located in rpm/*.spec. As described below. the changelog is generated from git commit messages, so there is no need to include a changelog section in the SPEC file nor a separate .changes file, unless pre-git historical changelog entries need to be included. These can be included in rpm/*.changes files. All other files in rpm/ directory must be marked either with SourceX: or PatchX:. Package version is determined from the latest suitable Git tag. The Version: and Release: tags in the SPEC file are ignored – setting them to “0” and “1” respectively is the preferred convention.

Packaging should aim to preserve upstream git history whenever possible to allow for easier synchronization of upstream changes. Bearing this in mind, there are several possibilities for packaging, depending on whether there is an upstream repository and the number of modifications of it required for the Sailfish OS version.

tar_git package source code location in git

When a package has no upstream, i.e. is a package maintained as part of Sailfish OS, the sources are usually located solely within a single git repository alongside the rpm directory, either in the root of the git tree or src dir or something similar depending a bit on the package. Example of such package is for example the lipstick display manager at

Otherwise, the package should contain a link to its upstream repository as a git submodule, named the same as the package Name: in SPEC file, or simply as upstream. Please use https format for git submodule url. This makes sure that submodule cloning works for all users. Third-party repositories should be mirrored on and referenced there, to avoid future build errors due to upstream moves or removal. New repository mirrors can be requested on IRC.

If the package has upstream somewhere else and there are no heavy modification needed for the sources, the sources are usually built directly from the git submodule. Small modifications and backported commits from later versions can be included as patches stored as rpm/*.patch. Locally, those patches can be applied with sfdk apply to the submodule or as part of the whole prepare phase using sfdk prepare. They can be unapplied with sfdk apply -R. PackageKit is an example of such package at

There is a proposal to use a long-lived topic branch instead of patches, which mirrors the upstream repository directly rather than using a submodule. See Git_Packaging_-_Upstream_Git_with_Long-Lived_Topic_Branch_Approach.

If there are many modifications to the upstream that are not accepted as a part of the upstream (at least yet), then they may be stored in a separate tree from the upstream submodule. In such cases the submodule should be called upstream and the modified copy of the upstream should be a separate directory named after the package name from the SPEC file. Synchronization with newer upstream releases is done using git subtree. An example of such a package is ‘connman’ at

Dumb packages

This is an obsolete format and that generally should not be used any more. Any packages using this should be converted to tar_git format whenever the opportunity arises. These use no smart packaging system, instead storing the SPEC file, tarball and any patches directly in the root of the git tree. One situation where this might be preferable is if there is no upstream version control and only source tar downloads are available, in which case that archive may be used without modification. An example of such packaging is ncurses, found at .

Such ‘dumb’ packages do not compile with the sfdk build as the packages done with tar_git format. Sometimes it is both necessary and sufficient to unpack and enter the source directory, then tell sfdk where the SPEC file is located:

git clone
cd ncurses
tar xf ncurses-6.1.tar.gz && cd ncurses-6.1
sfdk --specfile ../ncurses.spec build

As a fallback method, rpmbuild can be invoked manually under the build shell:

git clone https://xyz/example-dumb-package.git
cd example-dumb-package
sfdk build-shell rpmbuild --define "_topdir $PWD" --define "_sourcedir $PWD" -bb *.spec

Note that when using rpmbuild manually, you need to also manually install possible build time dependencies, where sfdk build does that automatically.

Changelog generation

Changelogs are generated from git commits (or from annotated tags in case on forgets the message from the commit) in tar_git packaged packages. This allows change logs to be generated automatically, and for the commit history to contain meaningful back-links to the bug reports which led to the change being made.

Basically how it works is that each line that has the [ ] is added to the changelog of the package and rest of the lines from the commit message are ignored:

[SHORT] Long description that shall reflect the work done. Bug-ref JB#xxxx
[key] Summary. Contributes to xyz#123
[packaging] Updated Y to version X. Fixes xyz#124

NOTE: Run sfdk --help-building inside the SDK to learn how to generate changelogs when building a package locally

This line does not need to be the first line in the git commit message and there can be multiple lines within one git commit message.

The SHORT description is any descriptive word like “backend” or “UI” or “bluetooth”. Long description describes the change in plain English. To help the maintainer and the reviewers, describe the change well in the long description and use appropriate SHORT tags in the commit. If the contribution touches many locations inside the project, it might be good idea to have them as separate commits and use more scoped SHORT tags to make the contribution clearer.

Select an appropriate SHORT tag from the ones that have been already used within the project. Project SHORT tags can be searched, for example, with: git log --oneline path/to/source.c that shows only the commit titles.

The maintainer will either use squash commit or any other suitable method to define the correct SHORT description for the merge, as well as to add a suitable bug reference in the format that is used only internally.