Platform Configuration
This page explains how to configure your Platform project for internationalisation.
The project .spec file
The tools lupdate
and lrelease
are included in qt5-qttools-linguist
, so add that as a BuildRequires
requirement. The “.qm” file (Engineering English) gets installed with the normal package (%files
), the “.ts” file (translation source) gets installed with the -ts-devel
BuildRequires: qt5-qttools-linguist
%package ts-devel
Summary: Translation source for %{name}
License: XXX
%description ts-devel
%files ts-devel
The project pro file
The simplest way to add translations to your project is to add the following to your qmake project (.pro) file, so that it will trigger lupdate
to generate the translation files:
# Translation Source
# Engineering English Translation
EE_QM = $$OUT_PWD/$$TARGET_eng_en.qm
ts.commands += lupdate $$PWD -ts $$TS_FILE
ts.CONFIG += no_check_exist
ts.output = $$TS_FILE
ts.input = .
ts_install.files = $$TS_FILE
ts_install.path = /usr/share/translations/source
ts_install.CONFIG += no_check_exist
engineering_english.commands += lrelease -idbased $$TS_FILE -qm $$EE_QM
engineering_english.CONFIG += no_check_exist
engineering_english.depends = ts
engineering_english.input = $$TS_FILE
engineering_english.output = $$EE_QM
engineering_english_install.path = /usr/share/translations
engineering_english_install.files = $$EE_QM
engineering_english_install.CONFIG += no_check_exist
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += ts engineering_english
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ts engineering_english
INSTALLS += ts_install engineering_english_install
Alternatively, if you prefer to use subdirs, you should add SUBDIRS += translations
to the top-level project file, then create translations/
containing the following:
# Set name of translation catalog here
# Translation Source
# Engineering English Translation
ts.commands += lupdate $$PWD/.. -ts $$TS_FILE
ts.CONFIG += no_check_exist no_link
ts.output = $$TS_FILE
ts.input = ..
ts_install.files = $$TS_FILE
ts_install.path = /usr/share/translations/source
ts_install.CONFIG += no_check_exist
# XXX should add -markuntranslated "-" when proper translations are in place
engineering_english.commands += lrelease -idbased $$TS_FILE -qm $$EE_QM
engineering_english.CONFIG += no_check_exist no_link
engineering_english.depends = ts
engineering_english.input = $$TS_FILE
engineering_english.output = $$EE_QM
engineering_english_install.path = /usr/share/translations
engineering_english_install.files = $$EE_QM
engineering_english_install.CONFIG += no_check_exist
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += ts engineering_english
PRE_TARGETDEPS += ts engineering_english
INSTALLS += ts_install engineering_english_install
Translation loading and harvesting
The lupdate
utility is used to gather IDs to be translated from code. It produces an XML .ts file that is then used to create the translations. The lrelease
tool compiles a translated .ts file into binary .qm file, which is finally loaded by the application.
Sailfish platform app translations should be deployed to /usr/share/translations/
. The Engineering English translation file should follow the format <component>_eng_en.qm
and the actual translations have a locale suffix as in <component>-fi_FI.qm
. By loading first the Engineering English translations and then the real ones based on locale, it’s guaranteed that no IDs are shown in the user interface. Loading happens with QTranslator on the C++ side:
#define I18N_APP "appname"
#define I18N_DIR "/usr/share/translations"
QTranslator translator_eng_en;
translator_eng_en.load(I18N_APP "_eng_en", I18N_DIR);
QTranslator translator;
translator.load(QLocale(), I18N_APP, "-", I18N_DIR);
The generated .ts file should be installed into /usr/share/translations/source/<component>.ts
and packaged into <component>-ts-devel.rpm
. It can then be automatically used for translation services which eventually produce the locale based translations files. The actual translations are not put into the source code repository.
For pure QML plugins, the localisation support is unfortunately not so easy. Translation files need to be loaded before any text property gets set which complicates things. A solution is to have the C++ side of the plugin take care of initialisation:
#include <QTranslator>
class AppTranslator: public QTranslator
AppTranslator(QObject *parent)
: QTranslator(parent)
~AppTranslator() override
class SailfishModulenamePlugin : public QQmlExtensionPlugin
void initializeEngine(QQmlEngine *engine, const char *uri)
if (QLatin1String(uri) != QLatin1String("Sailfish.Modulename")) {
AppTranslator *engineeringEnglish = new AppTranslator(engine);
AppTranslator *translator = new AppTranslator(engine);
AppTranslator *modulenameTranslator = new AppTranslator(engine);
engineeringEnglish->load("sailfish_components_modulename_eng_en", "/usr/share/translations");
translator->load(QLocale(), "sailfish_components_modulename", "-", "/usr/share/translations");
modulenameTranslator->load(QLocale(), "modulename", "-", "/usr/share/translations");